Business Support

No2ndPrize is here to help B2B organizations improve their top line performance. Lasting value comes from effectiveness, so we don’t do airy-fairy or waffle and we take a structured service approach to ensure your business gets continuing positive impact. No2ndPrize Ltd helps businesses of all sizes, but mainly SMEs, improve their overall business performance by enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of their sales people, supporting their development of strategic plans and providing a commercial edge to new product and service developments and introductions.

business supportNo two businesses are alike, and no two challenges would result in exactly the same answer. Therefore, everything we do is customized – and the start point is often just to have a chat. So feel free to drop me a line on and we can set up a call.

That being said, there are some common themes and a generic approach to some of them that is proven to give results. These are summarized in the relevant pages of this website, so also take a quick tour and see whether you think what you read would help.

Developing and introducing new products and services. The lifeblood of any business is to bring new products and services to market – otherwise, your business will atrophy over time. Most people know what their products need to look like, and they have a good idea of what the new offering will do. Yet, with around 65% of new products and services failing in the market place, it makes sense to get an outside view – of the offering and the business model that was (or should have been) developed at the same time. If you are close to launch but haven’t got a clear business model yet, then we can help there, too.

Strategic Planning. This is at a higher level than developing new offerings. It is about taking a logical approach to developing the business overall. Large businesses can afford months of strategy sessions involving dozens of people, and I’ve been there. In the end, though, it can be done by your people in two days with results presented in a week – and then you get on with implementing your plan, with engagement and ownership by your business seniors. Doing it quickly keeps energy and momentum.

Planning and organizing a sales department. We can provide you with a proactive sales approach, we can train your sales people (of you may want to do that separately – it is up to you), but it is often difficult to look at the structure of your sales efforts and work out how best to arrange it. Do you want to have full time sales people, or does everyone “hunt it, kill it and cook it” for themselves? If permanent, how large and how should it be organized? There are many choices and ways of splitting up – we can help you decide which is the most efficient for your business.

Coaching and mentoring over a period. If you want to set up an engagement that will involve scheduled interactions over a period (but we should both plan for it to be constrained in time), then I have done that and I’m happy to do it again.

We also have a fast, quite intense “B2B Sales In A Day” course that we can run in-house for you.
Any amount of training, mentoring, coaching and workshops, however enthusiastic people are leaving them, is of limited value unless it makes a permanent change. The Proactive Sales approach we propose is a tried-and-tested way to deliver significantly superior business results. But it doesn’t happen by itself and it won’t just happen if you have some CRM software that helps manage day-to-day activities. People need to be able to develop a plan for each opportunity, and to this end we have developed a unique methodology, which we call Proactive Sales Coach (PSC) that guides you and your team through each Opportunity, to put you in the driving seat and you develop it in the way you want.

Sounds unreal? I have been using this approach for many years and by breaking down what can be a very complex task into bite-sized chunks, and with each step fitting into an overall plan, then your organization – whatever its size – can benefit. Take a look at the PSC (Proactive Sales Coach). You can download it and have a go with no limitations or commitment.

Pareto Approach

The famous 80/20 rule applied to business – where 80% of the value is achieved by 20% of the effort – drives everything we do. We know that only the largest companies can afford to experiment to find that elusive vital 20%. So, we’ve taken our experience and done it for you. The concepts here are the bits that make the difference – a career in B2B sales and marketing confirms this. If it still looks a bit too much, then we can help you to take what really matters for your business. 

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